Smead Filing Guides with Alphabetic Indexing - 25 Printed Assorted Tab(s) - Character - A-Z - 25 Tab(s)/Set - Letter - Yellow Manila, Green, Pink, Salmon, Blue Tab(s) - Recycled - 25 / Set
  • Break your file drawers into easily spotted smaller groups with these alphabetic "signposts"
  • Reduce filing time by locating desired area without reading file labels
  • Durable multicolored fused poly tabs
  • Made from heavyweight, 18 point stock for durability
  • SKU: SMD50180
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    Use manila indexed guides to break your file drawers into easy-to-spot smaller groups. Alphabetic signposts reduce filing time by locating your desired area without reading the file labels. Letter-size guides feature multicolor fused vinyl tabs with 1/5 cuts in assorted positions. Each 1/2" high tab is labeled with a letter or letters of the alphabet. Guides are made of 18 point stock that is perfect for archiving.